Somali Public Agenda
September 14, 2022
Policy Papers
Somali Public Agenda
September 14, 2022
In an effort to stimulate renewed dialogue on the issue, the Somali Dialogue Platform and Somali Public Agenda (SPA) have produced this policy paper outlining options for resolving Mogadishu’s status. The product has been developed in consultation with a range of technical experts and political influencers as part of the Platform’s ‘F20’ initiative, which collaboratively explores solutions to contentious issues in Somalia’s political settlement. The paper is intended to serve as a tool for Somalia policymakers and the wider public.
Iyadoo la sameynayo dadaal lagu doonayo in lagusoo cusbooneysiiyo wa- da-hadallada la xiriira arrintan, Somali Dialogue Platform iyo Somali Public Agenda ayaa soo saaray faalladan qotada-dheer oo qeexeysa fursadaha lagu xallin karo maqaamka Muqdisho. Faallada waxaa la diyaariyey iyadoo lala tashanayo khubaro farsamo oo kala duwan iyo siyaasiyiin kaasoo qeyb galay madasha ‘F20’ ee uu qabtay Platform-ka, oo si wadajir ah loogu sahminayay xalalka arrimaha la isku khilaafsan yahay ee heshiiska siyaasadda Soomaaliya. Faallada waxa uu ujeedkeedu yahay in ay soo bandhigto falanqeyn ay isticmaali karaan siyaasiyiinta Soomaaliya iyo guud ahaan shacabka.
Somali Public Agenda is a non-profit public policy and administration research organization based in Mogadishu. Its aim is to advance understanding and improvement of public administration and public services in Somalia through evidence-based research and analysis.
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