Somali Public Agenda
October 27, 2022
Governance Briefs
Somali Public Agenda
October 27, 2022
Youth gangs (aged between 15 and 35 years) – known as Ciyaal Weero – emerged in Mogadishu’s periphery districts in late 2021. The gangs use small and light weapons as well as pistols (and bright torches to shine in people’s eyes) and sometimes bajaj (tuk-tuks) to rob people, mostly at night. Unemployment, the use of drugs, and weak local government are seen as the main causes of the rise of Ciyaal Weero. The powerless judicial system, communications technology, social media, and the use of out-of-court settlements are also believed to have contributed to the rise of Ciyaal Weero in the Somali capital. Although the police forces launched the ‘Samakaab’ operation against Ciyaal Weero, the government has not yet managed to reduce the threat of the youth gangs. Since its emergence, Ciyaal Weero killed people in Mogadishu including teachers and students and limited the mobility of people in the peripheral districts of Mogadishu. This governance brief examines the factors that contributed to the rise of Ciyaal Weero, their impact on security and mobility in Mogadishu, and puts forward some policy considerations including control of the import of drugs, development of a government strategy to tackle the youth gangs, and the creation of job opportunities.
Kooxo dhalinyaro ah oo da’doodu u dhexeyso 15 ilaa 35 sano jir – oo loo yaqaano Ciyaal Weero – ayaa kasoo shaac baxay degmooyinka Muqdisho dabayaaqadii 2021. Dhallinyaradan ayaa adeegsada hubka fudud iyo sidoo kale bastoolado (iyo toosh iftiin xooggan leh oo ay dadka indhaha uga qabtaan) mararka qaarna bajaaj si ay u dhacaan dadka, inta badan wakhtiyada habeenkii. Shaqo la’aanta, isticmaalka maandooriyaha, iyo dowladda hoose oo daciif ah ayaa loo arkaa inay yihiin sababaha ugu waaweyn ee qeyb ka qaatay soo if-bixidda Ciyaal Weero. Nidaamka garsoorka oo aan awood xooggan laheyn, isgaarsiinta iyo tignoolajiyadda, baraha bulshada, iyo isticmaalka heshiska aan tooska ahayn oo laga galo dhibaatooyinka ay geystaan ayaa la aaminsan yahay inay qeyb ka qaateen soo if-bixitaanka Ciyaal Weero ee caasimadda Soomaaliya. Inkastoo ciidamada boolisku ay bilaabeen howlgalka “Samakaab” ee ka dhanka ah Ciyaal Weero, haddana dowladda kuma guuleysan inay yareyso khatarta kooxaha dhallinyarada ah. Tan iyo markii ay soo if-bexeen Ciyaal Weero, magaalada Muqdisho waxaa lagu dilay dad isugu jiray macalimiin iyo arday, waxaana ay xaddideen dhaq-dhaqaaqa dadka ku dhaqan xaafadaha Muqdisho. Faalladan kooban waxa ay falanqeyneysaa waxyaabaha sababay soo if-bixitaanka Ciyaal Weero, saameynta ay ku yeesheen amniga iyo isu-socodka magaalada Muqdisho, waxa ay sidoo kale faallada soo bandhigeysaa talooyin tixgelin mudan oo ay kamid yihiin xakameynta maandooriyaha dalka soo gala, dejinta istaraatiijiyad dowladeed oo wax lagaga qabanayo kooxaha dhalinyarada ah, iyo abuurista fursado shaqo.
Somali Public Agenda is a non-profit public policy and administration research organization based in Mogadishu. Its aim is to advance understanding and improvement of public administration and public services in Somalia through evidence-based research and analysis.
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