Somali Public Agenda
February 13, 2023
Governance Briefs
Somali Public Agenda
February 13, 2023
Since the election of Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Muhamud in mid-May 2022, the National Consultative Council (NCC), a body by the top FGS, FMS, and BRA leaders, has met four times in Mogadishu. The NCC is a de facto high-level platform for executive leaders at FGS and FMS levels in Somalia who negotiate and agree on contentious political issues. In the past five years, the NCC meetings have tended to be ad hoc. The only notable matter its members have deliberated and decided on was the indirect election. NCC members did not discuss any substantive issues in their first two meetings in June and September last year. However, in its third meeting in late October, the NCC agreed on the implementation of the National Security Architecture (NSArch) – which dates back to April 2017 – and established a technical committee tasked with revising the agreement. In late December 2022, the NCC agreed on the judiciary model for Somalia and the power allocation arrangement and has already scheduled for late February 2023 deliberations on other contentious political issues including elections and fiscal federalism. However, Puntland withdrew from the NCC after the agreements on power allocation and judiciary model and froze its role in the NCC. The FGS leadership sees thispolitical forum as a suitable platform that meets once every two months to discuss and agree on the key contentious political issues in Somalia that crippled the review and completion of the provisional federal constitution. This governance brief examines the NCC agreements on the judiciary model and power allocation. It explores the further challenges it faces, and puts forward several policy considerations.
Tan iyo markii la doortay madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud bartamihii bishii May ee sanadkii 2022, waxaa magaalada Muqdisho afar jeer ku kulmay Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran (GWQ) oo ay xubno ka yihiin madaxda ugu sarreysa dowladda federaalka, Dowlad- goboleedyada iyo gobolka Banaadir. Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran waa madal ay ku kulmaan hoggaamiyeyaasha fulinta ee dowladda federaalka iyo Dowlad-goboleedyada kuwaasoo madasha uga wada xaajooda ugana heshiiya arrimaha siyaasadeed ee la isku hayo. Shantii sano ee lasoo dhaafay, shirarka Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran waxay u muuqdeen kuwo mar mar dhaca. Arrinta kaliya ee xubnaha madasha ay go’aan ka gaareen waxay ahayd doorashadii dadbaneyd. Labadii shir ee ugu horreeyay ee bilihii Juun iyo Sebteembar ee sanadkii hore, xubnaha GWQ kama aysan doodin arrimo la taaban karo. Sikastaba ha ahaatee, shirkoodii saddexaad ee dabayaaqadii bishii Oktoobar dhacay, GWQ waxa uu isku raacay hirgelinta Naqshadda Amniga Qaranka – oo lagu heshiiyay bishii Abriil 2017 – waxayna dhiseen guddi farsamo oo loo xilsaaray in uu dib- u-eegis ku sameeyo heshiiska. Dabayaaqadii Diseembar 2022, GWQ ayaa ka heshiiyay nooca garsoorka Soomaaliya iyo nidaamka awood qeybsiga waxayna madashu sii qorsheysay in dabayaaqada Febraayo 2023 wadatashiyo iyo heshiis siyaasadeed laga gaari doono arrimo ay kamid yihiin doorashooyinka iyo federaalaynta maaliyadda. Sikastaba ha ahaatee, Puntland ayaa ka baxday GWQ kadib heshiisyadii awood qeybsiga iyo nooca garsoorka. Hoggaanka dowladda federaalka ayaa madashan siyaasadeed u arka madal labadii biloodba mar looga hadlo loogana heshiiyo arrimaha ugu muhiimsan ee siyaasadda Soomaaliya la isku hayo kuwaasoo cuuriyeemiyey dib- u-eegista iyo dhameystirka dastuurka federaalka. Faalladan kooban waxa ay falanqeyneysaa heshiisyada Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran ee nooca garsoorka iyo awood qeybsiga. Waxay iftiimineysaa caqabadaha, waxayna soo bandhigeysaa dhowr talo oo tixgelin mudan.Heshiisyada awood qeybsiga iyo garsoorka oo ay gaareen Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran: sida looga gudbi karo ismari-waaga siyaasadeed
Somali Public Agenda is a non-profit public policy and administration research organization based in Mogadishu. Its aim is to advance understanding and improvement of public administration and public services in Somalia through evidence-based research and analysis.
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