Somali Public Agenda
June 25, 2023
Policy Papers
Somali Public Agenda
June 25, 2023
On 27 May 2023, after three days of meeting in Mogadishu, members of the National Consultative Council (NCC) – with the exception of Puntland – issued a communique and a new agreement focused on democratization. As in the previous NCC meeting in March, Puntland President Deni was not in attendance. The NCC communique applauded recent military successes against al-Shabaab and the preparations for the second phase of operations. It also emphasized the need to accelerate fiscal governance reforms as part of a continuation of the debt relief process, and highlighted agreement on elections detailed in a separate document.
This detailed agreement on national and sub-national elections is perhaps the most ambitious democratization roadmap in Somalia’s history and has introduced some radical changes to the Somali dispensation. It has generated a range of reactions across the Somali landscape, including criticism from certain quarters. In response to this controversial agreement, this policy paper analyses the key components of the controversial NCC election agreement, highlighting theprospects and challenges for its implementation.
27-kii Maajo 2023, kadib shir Muqdisho ka socday saddex maalmood, xubnaha Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran – marka laga reebo Puntland – waxa ay soo saareen war-murtiyeed iyo heshiis cusub oo diiradda lagu saaray dimuqraadiyeynta. Si lamid ah shirkii hore ee GWQ ee bishii Maarso, Madaxwaynaha Puntland Deni ayaanan ka qeyb gelin shirka GWQ. War-murtiyeedka GWQ ayaa lagu bogaadiyay guulihii ay ciidamadu dhawaan ka gaareen la-dagaallanka al-Shabaab iyo u diyaargarawga wajiga labaad ee howlgallada. Waxa uu sidoo kale carrabka ku adkeeyay baahida loo qabo in la dardargeliyo dib-u-habeynta maamulka maaliyadda taas oo qeyb ka ah geeddi-socodka deyn cafinta, waxa uuna ku faafaahiyey heshiiska doorashooyinka dukumenti gaar ah.
Heshiiskan faahfaahsan ee ku saabsan doorashooyinka qaranka iyo kuwa dowlad-goboleedyada ayaa ah qorshihii dimuqraadiyeyn ee ugu hiigsiga fogaa taariikhda Soomaaliya, waxa uuna soo jeediyay isbeddello hor leh oo ku yimaada marxaladda Soomaaliya. Waxa uu ka abuuray falcelinno kala duwan guud ahaan Soomaalida, oo ay kamid ahayd dhaleecayn dhinacyo gaar ah ka timid. Iyadoo laga ambaqaadayo heshiiskan muranka badan dhaliyay, faalladan qotoda-dheer waxa ay falanqeyneysaa qeybaha muhiimka ah ee heshiiska doorashada muranka badan dhaliyay oo ay GWQ gaareen, iyadoo ay faalladu iftiiminayso fursadaha iyo caqabadaha dhaqangelinta heshiiska.
Somali Public Agenda is a non-profit public policy and administration research organization based in Mogadishu. Its aim is to advance understanding and improvement of public administration and public services in Somalia through evidence-based research and analysis.
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