Somali Public Agenda
November 17, 2019
Governance Briefs
Somali Public Agenda
November 17, 2019
Mogadishu is the capital city of Somalia and has the second highest urban population density of any city in the world with over 2 million people. Land, housing and property prices in Mogadishu are the highest in Somalia. The geographic location, security, investment, road infrastructure and availability of basic facilities and services determine the price of land in the city. Commercial banks, landlords, brokers, and IDPs also contribute and have different roles in the increase of land and property value. The government role is limited, and the upsurge of land prices drives (and is driven by) gentrification. Poorer communities can no longer afford to live in areas that have been gentrified and evictions of IDPs has intensified. This governance brief discusses the causes and contributors to the rise of land prices in Mogadishu and its impact on the vulnerable communities. The brief concludes with policy recommendations.
Muqdisho waa caasimadda dalka Soomaaliya, waana magaalada labaad ee ugu cufnaanta badan magaalooyinka caalamka, iyadoo ay ku nool yihiin dad ka badan labo malyan. Qiimaha dhulka ku yaalla Muqdisho waa kan ugu qaalisan Soomaaliya. Goobta uu ku yaallo, amniga, maalgashiga, dhismaha jidadka iyo helitaanka adeegyada aasaasiga ah ayaa go’aamiya qiimaha dhulka ku yaalla magaalada. Bangiyo ganacsi, milkileyaasha guriyaha, dallaallada, iyo barakacayaasha ayaa sidoo kale ka qeyb qaata, kaalin kala duwanna ku leh, sare-u-kaca qiimaha dhulka. Kaalinta dowladda ayaa xaddidan, sare-u-kaca qiimaha dhulkana waxaa ka dhashay barabixin. Qoysaska saboolka ah awood uma laha in ay ku noolaadaan goobaha qiimaha guryaha ku yaalla qaaliyoobeen, guri ka saaridda dadka barakacayaasha ahna way sii korortey. Faalladaan kooban waxaa ay ka hadleysaa sababaha iyo waxyaabaha ka qeyb qaatey sare-u- kaca qiimaha dhulka Muqdisho iyo saameysta uu ku leedahay dadka nugul. Faalladu waxaa ay kusoo gunaanadeysaa talooyin tixgelin mudan.
Somali Public Agenda is a non-profit public policy and administration research organization based in Mogadishu. Its aim is to advance understanding and improvement of public administration and public services in Somalia through evidence-based research and analysis.
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