Audit Terms of Reference (ToR)

Terms of Reference for the Audit of the Project “Increased Opportunities for Somali Citizens’ Scrutiny of Fiscal and Financial Governance”.

Grant Contract Identification No/Project Code: NDICI AFRICA /2023/452-712

December 31 ,2024


Master Degree


10 Years of Working Experience




  1. Organization Overview


Somali Public Agenda is a non-profit public policy and administration research and action organization based in Mogadishu. Its aim is to advance understanding and improvement of public policy and services in Somalia through evidence-based research and analysis, dialogue, policy and service design and training.

At Somali Public Agenda, we believe that all Somalis deserve better public services including access to affordable education, healthcare, housing, security and justice delivered via transparent and accountable authorities.

Our Vision

Somali citizens are able to access public services that are responsive, evidence-based and inclusive.

Our Mission

To increase the capacity of Somali governance institutions, civil society and international partners to deliver effective public services to Somali citizens.


  2. Project Overview

Somali Public Agenda (SPA) has been awarded a grant from the European Union (EU) to undertake a project titled “Increased Opportunities for Somali Citizens’ Scrutiny of Fiscal and Financial Governance.” The project commenced on January 1, 2024, and will be implemented in a period of 36 months.

This grant encompasses substantial responsibilities for SPA, particularly in the realms of reporting and compliance. The magnitude and nature of this funding necessitate adherence to the European Union’s rigorous reporting standards and compliance protocols. As such, the management of this grant will involve adapting to these specific EU modalities to ensure effective and transparent utilization of the funds.


  3. Preface of the Audit

Somali Public Agenda (SPA) (the beneficiary) is undertaking the process of engaging a professional audit firm to conduct a comprehensive audit for the fiscal year ending on 31st December 2024. This audit pertains specifically to the project funded by the European Union (the contracting authority) with the project title of “Increased Opportunities for Somali Citizens’ Scrutiny of Fiscal and Financial Governance”, underscoring its importance in ensuring financial transparency and compliance with EU-specific regulations in the grant agreement.

The selection of the audit firm will be conducted through a structured and competitive process. This process will begin with the issuance of a detailed Request for Proposal (RFP), which will outline the specific requirements and expectations for the audit. The RFP will include the scope of work, preferred timelines, and necessary qualifications, such as experience with EU-funded projects and adherence to international auditing standards (IAS) and international standards on auditing (ISA) as well.

Prospective audit firms will be invited to submit their proposals, showcasing their expertise, methodological approach, and understanding of the regulatory framework applicable to EU-funded initiatives. SPA will rigorously evaluate these proposals based on criteria such as the firm’s relevant experience, audit methodology, technical capabilities, and cost-effectiveness.

The selected audit firm will be expected to demonstrate a thorough understanding of SPA’s operational contexts and the unique compliance requirements associated with EU funding. Upon selection, a formal contract will be initiated and signed after meeting all the required criteria by detailing all engagement terms, including scope audit work, deliverables, fees, and confidentiality.

This strategic initiative by SPA aims to uphold the highest standards of financial governance and accountability, thereby reinforcing the organization’s commitment to transparency in managing international funding.


  4. Objective of the Audit

The primary objective of this audit is to provide an independent professional opinion on the financial statements of the project for the year ending 31 December 2024. The audit will assess whether:

  • The financial statements present a true and fair view of the financial position of the project.
  • The funds have been utilized in accordance with the terms of the grant agreement.
  • ⁠The financial management systems and internal controls are adequate and effective.


  5. Scope of the Audit

The audit will cover:

  • Examination of the financial statements, including balance sheet, income statement (income and expenditure statement), and cash flow statement.
  • Verification of the accuracy of financial reports, if any.
  • ⁠Assessment of the compliance with the grant agreement, EU regulations, and applicable national laws.
  • ⁠Review of the budgetary controls and any variances from planned expenditures (BVA).
  • ⁠Examination of the procurement processes to ensure transparency and competitiveness, if any.
  • ⁠Evaluate and ensure that the project meets its year 1 desired goals such as administrative, contractual, financial, and legal in line with the grant agreement with the contracting authority.
  • Review to ensure that the financial management systems and internal controls of the project and its year 1 performance are designed and implemented in accordance with the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) and or GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles).
  • Review to ensure that the financial management systems and internal controls of the project and its year 1 performance are designed and implemented in accordance with the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) and or GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles).
  • Sampling and verification of the reported expenditures and financial reports from the beneficiary (SPA) are accurate and truly reflect the project’s financial performances and activities.
  • Assess the transparency, accountable, and suitable procurement and contracting practices are established and adhered to the procurement policy and procedures and in line with the contracting authority clauses in the grant agreement of the procurement practices.
  • Regulatory and tax compliance of the staff payrolls.


  6. Audit Methodology

  • The audit will be conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA).
  • The methodology will include a risk assessment approach, reviewing financial records, physical verification of assets, and interviews with key personnel.
  • Sampling techniques to select transactions for detailed testing of the project expenditures for year 1.


  7. Deliverables

  • Audit Report: A comprehensive report expressing an opinion on the financial statements.
  • Management Letter: A document highlighting significant findings, weaknesses in internal controls, and recommendations for improvement, if any.
  • Audit Findings Summary: A concise presentation of key issues to the project management team.
  • Notes to the financial statements


  8. Qualifications and the Requirements of the Audit Firm

  • The audit firm must be locally, regionally and internationally recognized and/or registered.
  • Auditors must have substantial experience in auditing EU-funded projects and familiarity with the financial and regulatory environment of Somalia.
  • The audit team should include certified public accountants with relevant sector experience.
  • ⁠Company profile.

  • ⁠Technical and financial proposal (Audit Methodology, Proposed Plan, CVs for the partner, manager, and key staff proposed for the audit team).

  • ⁠Accreditation by a recognized professional accounting body e.g. AICPA, ICAEW, and or ACCA and etc.

  • Practicing license of the firm and the individual members who will be involved in the exercise.

  • Experience of the audit firm with audit reporting under International Standards on Auditing (ISA).

  • ⁠At least three references for similar audits performed within the last three years.

  • Any actual or potential conflict of interest in taking up this role should be highlighted.

  • Good standing certificates of the team members from the professional accounting body.

  • ⁠Evidence of experience with audits of organizations similar to SPA and EU Somalia program.

  • Experience with regulations of international donors (EU, UN, etc).

  • ⁠Should preferably have access to the project implementation area – SPA Mogadishu Office.

  • Knowledge of systems and procedures of financial management and accounting in the area of good governance, public policy and etc.

  • The audit firm must have over 10 years of experience in the industry.


  9. Timeline and Logistics

  • The audit is scheduled to commence on 10th January 2025 and conclude by 20th January 2025.
  • The draft audit report should be submitted by 15th January 2025, and the final audit report with management letter by 18th January 2025.
  • The project team will provide necessary logistical support, including access to documents to facilitate and cooperate with the audit team.

10. Confidentiality and Ethical Considerations

  • The auditors are required to maintain confidentiality of all information obtained during the audit process and adhere to professional ethical standards.


  11. Deadline for the Submission:

  • Interested audit firms are required to send their application documents by 31th December 2024
  • Interested audit firms are required to send their application documents by 28th December 2024

Submission closes in...