Somali Public Agenda
November 20, 2022
Policy Papers
Somali Public Agenda
November 20, 2022
This study has investigated the FGS Ministry of Education’s decentralization efforts of education management to the Benadir Regional Administration from the MoU of August 2020. Since then, decentralization has made some progress, notably in regards to increased registration of student, school, and teacher data at the Education Management Information System (EMIS), and the administration of grade 8 exams by the BRA.
Notwithstanding these developments, the Benadir Regional Education Directorate is being weighed down by multiple challenges; the undefined status of Mogadishu city, and the lack of adequate funding and human resources. However, much of the potential of decentralization has been hampered by a dispute that arose between the parties not long after striking the deal, focusing mainly on the public schools’ expenditure and administration. To help alleviate this situation, this study suggests that until Mogadishu’s fate in the federal system is finally determined the current FGS should establish a local council that will elect its mayor and governor instead of the former appointing this position directly. The study also suggests that FGS allocates funds to BRA to cover public school expenditures.
Faalladan waxa ay falanqeysay dadaallada daadejinta waxbarashada ee Wasaaradda Waxbarashada ee dowladda federaalka ee loo daadejiyey Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir kadib is-afgaradka la saxiisay Ogosto 2020. Wixii markaas ka dambeeyay, dadaallada maamul daadejinta waxaa ay sameeyeen xoogaa horumar ah, gaar ahaan sare-u-qaadista diiwaangelinta ardayda, iskuullada iyo xogta macallimiinta ee Nidaamka Macluumaadka Maareynta Waxbarashada ee EMIS, iyo maamulka imtixaannada fasalka 8-aad ee Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir.
Iyadoo ay jiraan horumarradan, agaasinka waxbarashada gobolka Banaadir waxaa hoos ula degay caqabado badan oo ay kamid yihiin maqaamka magaalada Muqdisho oo aan qeexneyn, dhaqaale la’aan iyo shaqaale ku filan oo aanu heysan. Sikastaba ha ahaatee, in badan oo ka mid ah awoodaha maamul daadejinta waxaa curyaamiyey khilaaf ka dhex dhashay dhinacyada muddo kooban kadib markii uu heshiisku dhacay, khilaafka intiisa badan waxa uu la xiriiray kharashaadka iyo maamulka iskuullada dowladda. Faalladan waxay soo jeedineysaa inta xal laga gaarayo maqaamka Muqdisho ee nidaamka federaalka in dowladda federaalka ay dhisto gole deegaan oo soo doorta duqa magaalada iyo guddoomiyaha gobolka, halka ay dowladda si toos ah u magacaabi lahayd madaxda gobolka. Daraasaddu waxay kaloo soo jeedinaysaa in dowladda federaalka ay u qoondeyso Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir lacag si uu ugu daboolo kharashaadka iskuullada dowladda.
Somali Public Agenda is a non-profit public policy and administration research organization based in Mogadishu. Its aim is to advance understanding and improvement of public administration and public services in Somalia through evidence-based research and analysis.
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