Examining public schools in Mogadishu

Governance Briefs
Examining public schools in Mogadishu

In October 2018, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education of the Federal Government of Somalia took over the management of 24 public schools in Mogadishu. The government recruited and directly pays teachers and no tuition fee is collected from students at all grades (1-12). The 24 schools are the first federal government-run schools in Somalia since the state collapse in 1991. This governance brief is based on school visits and interviews with different stakeholders in Mogadishu. It examines students, teachers, payment processes, curriculum, and the challenges schools face. It concludes with policy options and recommendations.

Bishii Oktoobar 2018, Wasaaradda Waxbarashada, Hiddaha iyo Tacliinta Sare ee Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa la wareegtay maamulidda 24 iskuul dowladeed oo ku yaalla magaalada Muqdishu. Dowladda ayaa shaqaaleysiisay si toos ahna mushaar u siisa macalimiinta iskuullada, ardayda heerarkooda kala duwanna (1-12) wax lacag ah lagama qaado. 24-ka iskuul ayaa ah dugsiyadii ugu horreeyay oo ay dowladda federaalka ah maamusho tan iyo markii ay dowladdii dhexe burburtay sanadkii 1991-dii. Faalladan kooban waxa ay ku saleysan tahay booqasho lagu tagay iskuullada iyo wareysiyo lala yeeshay daneeyeyaal kala duwan ee dugsiyada dowladda. Waxa ay taxliilineysaa ardayda, macallimiinta, mushaar bixinta, manhajka, iyo caqabadaha heysta iskuullada. Waxa ay qormada kusoo gunaanadeysaa talooyin tixgelin mudan.

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