Options for allocating powers in Somalia’s federal system

Policy Papers

The absence of agreement on the distribution of powers has contributed to conflict and tension between different levels of government, especially the FGS and FMS. In October 2017, for example, disputes over Somalia’s foreign relations – on which the PFC is ambiguous – fed into emerging conflict when five FMS established the Council of Inter-State Cooperation, before going on to suspend relations with the FGS the following year. Other areas of tension related to power allocation center around the distribution of international aid and the role of the FGS and FMS in education. Such tensions have contributed to wider struggles between the FGS and FMS. Reaching clarity on the allocation of powers in Somalia’s federal model is, therefore, a critical priority when it comes to advancing the country’s post-conflict trajectory.

To achieve this, meaningful and inclusive political dialogue on the allocation of powers is essential. As such, this paper outlines a framework for analyzing the issue, as well as the available options for starting a dialogue on relevant political processes.

Maqnaanshaha heshiis ku saabsan qeybsiga awoodaha ayaa sabab u noq- day khilaaf iyo xiisado u dhexeeya heerarka kala duwan ee dowladda, gaar ahaan dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya iyo dowlad goboleedyada. Bishii Ok- toobar 2017, tusaale ahaan, muranno ka dhashay xiriirka arrimaha dibadda ee Soomaaliya – oo aanu dastuurka federaalka kumeelgaarka ah caddeyneynin – ayaa keenay khilaaf kadib markii shanta dowlad goboleed ay dhiseen Golaha Iskaashiga Dowlad Goboleedyada, kahor inta aanay hakin xiriirkii ay la lahaay- een dowladda federaalka sanadkii xigey. Meelaha kale oo ay ka jirtay xiisadda la xiriirta awood-qeybsiga waxaa kamid ahaa arrinta ku saabsan qeybinta deeqa- ha caalamiga ah iyo doorka dowladda federaalka iyo dowlad goboleedyada ee waxbarashada. Xiisadaha noocaan oo kale ah ayaa gacan ka geystay hardanka u dhexeeya dowladda federaalka iyo dowlad goboleedyada. In si cad loo qeexo awood qeybsiga hannaanka federaalka ee Soomaaliya waa mudnaan muhiim ah marka ay timaaddo horumarinta hiigsiga dalka ee colaadaha kadib.

Si taas loo gaaro, wadahadal siyaasadeed oo macno leh oo loo dhan yahay oo ku saabsan awood qeybsiga waa lama huraan. Sidaas daraadeed, faalladan waxay qeexaysaa qaab-dhismeedka lagu falanqeynayo arrinta, iyo sidoo kale fursadaha jira ee lagu bilaabi karo wadahadal ku saabsan hababka siyaasa- deed ee khuseeya.

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