Review of the Federal Government of Somalia’s Near Billion-dollar Budget for 2023

Governance Briefs

The federal government of Somalia’s budget for 2023 was approved by the parliament in a joint session on December 28, 2022. The 2022 budget totals $977 million, a 4 percent increase on last year’s $929 million budget. Although the theme of this year’s budget is ‘Relying on Our Domestic Revenue’, 68 percent of the budget ($667 million) is expected from donors through project support ($496 million, or 74 percent) and budget support ($170 million, or 25percent), while domestic revenue is $283 million, or 29 percent. 26.6 percent of the budget goes to social service delivery; 20 percent goes to defense and security sector institutions; and 17 percent is allocated to economic development institutions. This brief analyzes the 2023 federal budget and its main allocations for the administration, security, social services, and economic development sectors. Finally, the brief outlines key recommendations including increasing accountability, building public trust, improving social services, encouraging domestic production and international trade, and expediting the debt relief process.

Baarlamaanka federaalka ayaa 28-kii Diseembar 2022 kalfadhi wadajir ah ku ansixiyay miisaaniyadda dowladda ee 2023. Miisaaniyadda 2023-ka waxa ay gaareysaa $977 milyan, taasoo 4 boqolkiiba ka badan miisaaniyaddii sanadkii hore, oo gaareysay $929 milyan. Inkastoo hal- ku-dhigga miisaaniyada sanadkan uu yahay ‘ku tiirsanaanta awooddeena dakhli’, boqolkiiba 68 miisaaniyadda ($667 milyan) ayaa laga filayaa deeq-bixiyeyaasha iyagoo ku bixinaya taageero mashaariic ($496, ama 50 boqolkiiba) iyo kab miisaaniyadeed ($170 milyan, ama 17 boqolkiiba), halka dakhliga gudaha la filayo uu noqdo $283 milyan, ama 29 boqolkiiba. 26.6 boqolkiiba miisaaniyadda waxaa loo qorsheeyay bixinta adeegyada bulshada; boqolkiiba 20 waxa ay aadi doontaa hay’adaha difaaca iyo amniga; halka 17 boqolkiiba loo qoondeeyay hay’adaha horumarinta dhaqaalaha. Faalladan kooban waxa ay falanqeyneysaa miisaaniyadda dowladda ee 2023-ka iyo qoondooyinka ugu muhiimsan ee loo qoondeeyay arrimaha maamulka, amniga, adeegyada bulshada, iyo horumarinta dhaqaalaha. Ugu dambeyntii, faalladu waxa ay soo jeedinasaa talooyin muhiimka ah oo ay kamid yihiin kor-u-qaadista isla xisaabtanka, dhisidda kalsoonida shacabka, horumarinta adeegyada bulshada, dhiirigelinta wax-soo-saarka gudaha iyo ganacsiga caalamiga ah, iyo dardargelinta hannaanka deyn cafinta.

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