Reviewing the Federal Government of Somalia’s 2022 near billion-dollar budget: development priorities and donor dependence

Governance Briefs

The federal government of Somalia’s budget for 2022 was approved by the parliament in a joint session on 30 June 2022. This approval would ideally come in the last week of December last year. However, due to the protracted indirect elections, the budget approval process was delayed for six months. The 2022 budget totals $929.9 million, a 72 percent increase on last year’s $671 million. Although the theme of this year’s budget is ‘Reliance on our domestic revenue’, 73.2 percent of the budget ($694.7 million) is expected from donors through project support ($485.5 million or 52 percent) and budget support ($209.2 million or 22 percent). 34.8 percent of the budget goes to social service delivery; 18.3 percent goes to defense and security sector institutions, while 8.9 percent) was allocated to the economic development institutions. Although the annual government budget has progressively increased by around $816 million over the past 9 years, more than half of the budget (52 percent of the total budget) is made up of donor-funded projects. This brief examines the 2022 federal government budget for security, social services, and economic development and puts forward policy considerations.

Miisaaniyadda dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ee 2022 ayaa baarlamaanka ku ansixiyay kalfadhi wadajirka ah 30-kii Juun 2022. Ansixintan ayay ahayd in la sameeyo isbuuca ugu dambeeya ee Diseembar sanadkii hore. Sababo la xiriira doorashooyinkii dadbanaa ee markaas socday awgood, ansixinta miisaaniyaddu waxay dib u dhacday lix bilood. Miisaaniyadda 2022-ka waa $929.9 milyan, 72 boqolkiiba ayaa lagu kordhiyey miisaaniyaddii sanadkii 2021 oo ahayd $671 milyan. Inkastoo halkudhigga miisaaniyadda sanadkaan uu yahay ‘ku tiirsanaanta awooddeena dakhli’, 73.2 boqolkiiba miisaaniyadda ($694.7 milyan) ayaa laga filayaa deeq- bixiyeyaasha oo ku bixinaya taageero mashaariic ($485.5 milyan ama 52 boqolkiiba) iyo kab miisaaniyadeed ($209.2 milyan ama 22 boqolkiiba). 34.8 boqolkiiba miisaaniyada ayaa loo qorsheeyay gaarsiinta adeegga bulshada; 18.3 boqolkiiba waxay ku bixi doontaa hay’adaha difaaca iyo amniga, halka 8.9 boqolkiiba loo qoondeeyay hay’adaha horumarinta dhaqaalaha. Inkastoo miisaaniyadda dowladda ay ku korortay qiyaastii $816 milyan 9-kii sano ee lasoo dhaafay, in ka badan kala bar miisaaniyadda (52 boqolkiiba) ayaa ah mashaariic deeq- bixiyeyaal lacagtooda bixinayaan. Faalladan kooban waxa aan ku qiimeyneynaa miisaaniyadda dowladda federaalka ee 2022 ee amniga, adeegyada bulshada, iyo horumarka dhaqaalaha. Waxa aan kusoo gunaanadeynaa talooyin tixgelin mudan.

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