Somali Federal and State Interior Ministries: How to Enable Popular Participation in Transitional Justice

Governance Briefs


After years of conflict and instability, Somalia is entering a period where transitional justice is possible. Three decades of experience in Africa show that transitional justice processes are more likely to be effective if they are rooted in popular participation, particularly of victims/survivors and communities affected by violence.

While the Somali government has not yet launched a truth commission, prosecutions, reparations or other formal mechanisms usually associated with dealing with the past, different types of measures have emerged in the country that are precursors to – or even themselves forms of – transitional justice.

Drawing lessons from formal, state-led measures like the National Reconciliation Framework (NRF) and non formal, civil society-led measures like the Peace and Development Forum (PDF), this policy brief provides actionable guidance for the Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation (MOIFAR) and the Interior Ministries of federal member states on how to enable popular participation for a locally relevant and sustainable national transitional justice process.

Sanado badan oo colaado iyo xasillooni-darro ah kadib, Soomaaliya waxay galeysaa xilli ay suuragal tahay in cadaaladda xilliga kala-guurka la hirgeliyo. Khibrad soddon sano oo Afrika ah waxa ay muujineysaa in geeddi-socodka cadaaladda xilliga kala-guurka uu u badan yahay inuu noqdo mid guuleysta haddii uu salka ku hayo ka qaybgalka shacabka, gaar ahaan dhibbanayaasha iyo bulshooyinka ay colaaduhu saameeyeen.

Inkastoo dowlada Soomaaliya aysan weli dhisin guddi runta, sidoo kalena aanay sameynin maxkamadeyn, magdhowyo, ama habab kale oo rasmi ah oo badanaa la xiriira xal-u-helidda dhacdooyinkii hore, haddana noocyo kala duwan oo tallaabooyin ah ayaa ka soo ifbaxay dalka kuwaas oo hordhac u ah – ama xataa noqon kara noocyo ka mid ah – cadaaladda xilliga kala-guurka.

Iyadoo casharro laga barannayo tallaabooyinka rasmiga ah ee ay dowladdu sameysay, sida Qaab dhismeedka Dib-u-heshiisiinta Qaranka, iyo tallaabooyinka aan rasmiga ahayn ee ay bulshada rayidka hormuudka ka tahay, sida Madasha Nabadda iyo Horumarka, warbixintan waxay bixineysaa talooyin wax-ku-ool ah oo ku saabsan sida ay Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha, Federaalka iyo Dib-uheshiisiinta iyo Wasaaradaha Arrimaha Gudaha ee dowlad goboleedyada uga shaqeyn karaan sidii loo suuragelin lahaa ka qaybgalka dadweynaha si loo suurageliyo geeddi-socod cadaaladeed oo ku habboon Soomaaliya sidoo kalena waara.

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