Isu-socdka iyo Aminga Muqdisho: Qiimeyn Nidaamka Cusub ee Kaltanka Bajaajta

Dhammaadkii bishii Maarso 2023, Golaha Wasiirada ee Xukuumada Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa soo saaray amarro dhowr ah, oo ay kamid ahayd dib-u-diiwaangelinta dhammaan bajaajta islamarkaana loo qeybiyo labo qeybood oo ku kallareysan jaalle iyo buluug oo kala leh sumadaha A iyo B. Amarka xukuumadda ayaa sidoo kale lagu hakiyay dhammaan mootooyinka – oo ay ku jiraan bajaajta iyo sidoo kale mootooyinka labada lug leh – in lagasoo dejiyo dekadaha dalka guud ahaan gaar ahaan dekadda Muqdisho.

Mobility and Security in Mogadishu: Examining the New Bajaj Rotation System

At the end of March 2023, the Council of Ministers of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) issued a series of directives, which included a directive on re-registration of all tuk-tuks (three-wheeled passenger motorcycles, also known as bajaj) and dividing them into two-color groups – yellow and blue – with the labels A and B respectively. The directive also suspended the importation of all motorcycles – including bajaj as well as two-wheeled motorbikes – from the ports throughout the country and particularly Mogadishu.