Review of Somalia’s 2019 budget for judiciary institutions, public services and economic development
![Review of Somalia’s 2019 budget for judiciary institutions, public services and economic development](
On the last day of December 2018, the Somali Federal Parliament’s House of the People approved the 2019 federal government budget prepared by the Ministry of Finance. The total budget appropriated for the 2019 fiscal year is…
Falanqeyn miisaaniyadda sanadka 2019 loo qorsheeyay hay’adaha garsoorka, adeegyada bulshada iyo horumarinta dhaqaalaha Soomaaliya
![Falanqeyn miisaaniyadda sanadka 2019 loo qorsheeyay hay’adaha garsoorka, adeegyada bulshada iyo horumarinta dhaqaalaha Soomaaliya](
Maalintii ugu dambeysay ee sanadkii 2018, Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa ansixiyay miisaaniyadda sanadka 2019 ee dowladda federaalka oo ay soo diyaarisay Wasaaradda Maaliyadda. Wadarta guud ee miisaaniyadda sanadka 2019 ayaa ah…
The NGO-ization of Somali public sector
![Somalia is due to undertake nationwide parliamentary and presidential elections in late 2020 and early 2021 respectively. Despite the enormous political, security and financial challenges, politicians have already started to prepare. Political parties are expected to compete for seats, and the National Independent Electoral Commission has already registered over 20 political parties.](
Members of Somali Public Agenda were invited to participate in a local forum that brought together civil society, government and other actors to discuss and debate on current complex issues. This time, a senior government official was…
NGO ka dhigista hay’adaha danta guud ee Soomaaliya
![NGO ka dhigista hay’adaha danta guud ee Soomaaliya](
Xubno matirsan Somali Public Agenda ayaa lagu casumay in ay ka qeyb qaataan madal isku keentay bulshada rayidka, dowladda iyo qeybaha kale ee bulshada si ay uga doodaan…
Re-introducing the Somali Shilling in Beledweyne
![Re-introducing the Somali Shilling in Beledweyne](
Where in the world have people abandoned paper money entirely? It is not Silicon Valley and not Singapore but, of all places, Beledweyne, the capital of Hiiraan region of Somalia. Since November 2017, the Somali Shilling has not been used…
Dib-usoo-celinta isticmaalka Shilinka Soomaaliga ee magaalada Beledweyne
![Dib-usoo-celinta isticmaalka Shilinka Soomaaliga ee magaalada Beledweyne](
Halkee dunida kamid ah oo ay dadku gebi ahaanba iska joojiyeen isticmaalka lacagta warqadda ah? Ma ahan Silicon Valley mana ahan Singapore, laakiin waa…
Tolerant government and responsible opposition: reversing Somalia’s political dilemma
![Tolerant government and responsible opposition: reversing Somalia’s political dilemma](
The existence of opposition and critics in a democratic polity is indispensable for the key roles they play. They hold governments in check and scrutinize how government policies are…
Xukuumad dulqaad leh iyo mucaarad xilkas ah: tubta looga weecan karo xasaradaha siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya
![Xukuumad dulqaad leh iyo mucaarad xilkas ah: tubta looga weecan karo xasaradaha siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya](
Nidaamka dimuqaariga ahi inuu leeyahay mucaarad iyo dad wax dhaliila waa mid lagama maarmaan ah marka la eego kaalinta muhiimka ah oo ay…
Is multi-partyism a viable option for Somali political stability?
![Is multi-partyism a viable option for Somali political stability?](
Somalia is witnessing the revival of political parties, which vanished from the political landscape about fifty years ago when a coup d’état led by General Mohamed Siyad Barre took power in 1969. The coup prompted the demise of…
Ma yahay nidaamka xisbiyada badani mid xasilooni siyaasadeed u horseedi kara Soomaaliya?
![Ma yahay nidaamka xisbiyada badani mid xasilooni siyaasadeed u horseedi kara Soomaaliya?](
Soomaaliya waxaa dib uga curanaya nidaamka xisbiyada badan kuwaa oo kamaqnaa saaxadda siyaasadeed ku dhowaad konton sano (50 sano) kadib afganbigii uu Jeneeral Maxamed Siyaad Barre hormuudka ka ahaa oo ay militariga hoggaanka dalka kula wareegeen sanadkii…