Dib-u-yegleelidda Nidaamka Xisbiyada: Falanqeyn Hindise-sharciyeedka Cusub ee Ururrada iyo Xisbiyada Siyaasadda
8-dii Ogosto 2024, Golaha Wasiirrada ayaa ansixiyey Hindise-sharciyeedka Ururrada iyo Xisbiyada Siyaasadda iyo Hindise-sharciyeedka Doorashooyinka Qaranka. Hindise-sharciyeedka Ururrada iyo Xisbiyada Siyaasadda waxaa soo diyaariyey Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha, Federaalka iyo Dib-u-heshiisiinta, wuxuuna waafaqsan yahay wax-ka-beddelka lagu sameeyey cutubka afaraad ee dastuurka kumeelgaarka ah – gaar ahaan qodobada 52-aad, 53-aad, iyo 54-aad – kuwaasoo ka hadlaya arrimaha la xiriira doorashooyinka.
Re-instituting Party Politics: An Analysis of the New Political Associations and Parties Bill
On 8th August 2024, the Federal Government of Somalia’s (FGS) cabinet unanimously approved the Political Associations and Parties Bill and the National Electoral Bill. The Political Associations and Parties Bill (PAPB) was drafted by the FGS Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation (MoIFAR) and is consistent with and builds on amendments to Chapter Four of the provisional constitution – particularly articles 52, 53, and 54 – which covers election-related matters. The parliament will review and is expected to approve the bill after three rounds of readings. It is one of three bills relating to elections, along with the Establishment Bill of the Independent National Electoral and Boundaries Commission & the National Electoral Bill – recently approved by the cabinet.
Falanqeyn hindise-sharciyeedka cusub ee dhismaha Guddiga Madaxa-bannaan ee Doorashooyinka Qaranka iyo Soohdimaha
Hindise-sharciyeedka Dhismaha Guddiga Madaxa-bannaan ee Doorashooyinka Qaranka iyo Soohdimaha waxa uu meelo badan kala mid yahay sharcigii hore ee lagu dhisay Guddiga Madaxa-bannaan ee Doorashooyinka Qaranka. Waxaa kamid ah muddada lixda sano ah ee xubnaha Guddiga, xaruntiisa in ay tahay Muqdisho, miisaaniyadda u gaarka ah, iyo in uu yeelanayo howlwadeenno maamul oo u gaar ah.
Review of the new bill establishing the Independent National Electoral and Boundaries Commission
The Establishment Bill of the the Independent National Elections and Boundaries Commission has some similarities with the pre-exisitng law, which established the National Independent Electoral Commission (NIEC). These include the six-year term of the Commission, its headquartering in Mogadishu, its separate budget, and a dedicated administrative team.
Jahwareerka doorashooyinka Soomaaliya: waa wakhtigii la sameyn lahaa qiimeyn dhab ah
Maadaama aan ka shaqeynayay cilmibaarisyo la xiriira doorashooyinka Soomaaliya tan iyo sanadkii 2015, waxaan fahamsanahay culeyska ay leedahay in la qabto doorashooyin iyadoo ay jiraan kalsooni darro baahsan, heshiiska siyaasadeed uu qabyo yahay, iyo hay’adaha dowladda oo weli curdan ah. Sanad kahor, waxaan arkayay fursad lagu dejin karo khariidad doorasho oo dhab ah, taasoo fulinteeda labo ilaa saddex sano oo shaqo adag ah ku qaadan kartay hay’adaha maareynta doorashooyinka si ay doorasho uga dhacdo Soomaaliya.
Somalia’s (eternal) election conundrum: time for a realistic assessment
Having worked on and studied election processes in Somalia since 2015, I understand the difficulties of conducting successful polls in a context of widespread mistrust, a weak political settlement, and nascent public institutions. A year ago, I saw an opportunity for the adoption of a realistic roadmap to elections, which would have taken two to three years of hard work by the election management body(ies) to conduct elections in Somalia.
Is-afgaradka Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliland: Saameynta iyo fursadaha midnimo qaran ee Soomaaliya
Inkastoo ay dowladda federaalka diiradda saartay diblomaasiyadda iyo abaabulka dadweynaha, waxay ay heshiiska iyo qalalaasaha taagan u adeegsan kartaa fursad ay uga shaqeyso midnimo qaran.
The Ethiopia-Somaliland MoU: Implications and opportunities for national unity and political settlement in Somalia
While the FGS has so far focused on diplomacy and public mobilization, it can leverage the MoU and the current crisis as a chance to foster domestic unity. The public protests against the MoU, which have extended to parts of Somaliland and the diaspora, can be harnessed to support and bolster broader political reform initiatives.
Isu-socdka iyo Aminga Muqdisho: Qiimeyn Nidaamka Cusub ee Kaltanka Bajaajta
Dhammaadkii bishii Maarso 2023, Golaha Wasiirada ee Xukuumada Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa soo saaray amarro dhowr ah, oo ay kamid ahayd dib-u-diiwaangelinta dhammaan bajaajta islamarkaana loo qeybiyo labo qeybood oo ku kallareysan jaalle iyo buluug oo kala leh sumadaha A iyo B. Amarka xukuumadda ayaa sidoo kale lagu hakiyay dhammaan mootooyinka – oo ay ku jiraan bajaajta iyo sidoo kale mootooyinka labada lug leh – in lagasoo dejiyo dekadaha dalka guud ahaan gaar ahaan dekadda Muqdisho.
Mobility and Security in Mogadishu: Examining the New Bajaj Rotation System
At the end of March 2023, the Council of Ministers of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) issued a series of directives, which included a directive on re-registration of all tuk-tuks (three-wheeled passenger motorcycles, also known as bajaj) and dividing them into two-color groups – yellow and blue – with the labels A and B respectively. The directive also suspended the importation of all motorcycles – including bajaj as well as two-wheeled motorbikes – from the ports throughout the country and particularly Mogadishu.