Somali Public Agenda
September 28, 2019
Governance Briefs
Somali Public Agenda
September 28, 2019
One person one vote elections are scheduled to be held in Somalia in late 2020 and early 2021. The electoral bill, despite being in a parliamentary review process, stipulates that the electoral model will be proportional representation, closed list, in a single constituency where registered voters will vote for political parties. The pivotal political parties’ law is under a pending amendment for the re-institution of long-lost multi-party politics in Somalia. The law, which consists of 38 articles and four schedules revolving around all issues relating to the regulation of modern political parties, was approved and ratified by the 9th Somali parliament and president respectively in 2016. This governance brief critically reviews the relaxed provisional party registration process, highlights the daunting challenges ahead for full party and voter registration hurdles. The brief also proposes alternative multi-party elections and puts forth policy options and recommendations.
Doorasho qof iyo cod ah ayaa la qorsheynayaa in ay ka qabsoonto Soomaaliya dabayaaqada 2020 iyo horraanta 20201. Hindise-sharciyeedka doorashooyinka, inkastoo uu ku jiro dib-u-eegis baarlamaan, wuxuu qeexayaa in qaabka doorashadu noqon doonto metelaadda isku dheellitiran ee liiska xeran, oo ka dhaceysa hal deegaan doorasho oo ay codbixiyeyaasha diiwaangashani u codeyn doonaan xisbiyo siyaasadeed. Xeerka muhiimka ah ee xisbiyada siyaasadda oo ku jira wax-ka-beddel aan weli dhammaan ayaa nidaaminaya sidii dib loogu unki lahaa siyaasaddii ku dhisneyd xisbiyada badan ee wakhti hore meesha ka baxday. Xeerka oo ka kooban 38 qodob iyo afar jadwal oo ka hadlaya arrimaha la xiriira maamulidda xisbiyada siyaasadeed ee casriga ah, waxaa ansixiyay baarlamaankii 9-aad iyo madaxweynihii Soomaaliya ee sanadii 2016. Warbixintan waxay eegeysaa hanaanka dabacsan ee is-diiwaangelinta xisbiyada, waxay ifineysaa caqabadaha adag ee ku-hor-gudban is-diiwaangelinta dhameystiran ee xisbiyada iyo diiwaangelinta codbixiyaha. Warbixinta waxay sidoo kale soo jeedineysa xulashooyin la xiriira doorashooyinka iyo talooyin tixgelin mudan.
Somali Public Agenda is a non-profit public policy and administration research organization based in Mogadishu. Its aim is to advance understanding and improvement of public administration and public services in Somalia through evidence-based research and analysis.
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