Somali Public Agenda
September 2, 2022
Policy Papers
Somali Public Agenda
September 2, 2022
The start of a new political cycle presents a fresh opportunity for Somalis to address the contentious issues obstructing the country’s path towards a more stable and prosperous post-conflict future. This can build off the successful conclusion of a meeting between FGS and FMS leaders on 12 June, which took place soon after the election of President Hasan Sheikh Mohamud. This can be achieved through a careful revival, enhancement and institutionalization of effective and inclusive political negotiation and dialogue mechanisms. This paper outlines several options to support these objectives, including considerations for how to design an effective negotiation architecture, as well as an outline of key thematic areas on which to focus dialogue.
Bilowga muddo-xileedka siyaasadeed ee cusub waxa ay fursad cusub u siinay- saa Soomaalida si ay wax uga qabtaan arrimaha la isku hayo ee caqabadda ku ah dhabihii uu dalku u mari lahaa mustaqbal xasiloon oo barwaaqo ah. Tani waxaa lagusii dhisi kartaa shirkii guusha ku dhamaaday ee u dhexeeyay mad- axda dowladda federaalka iyo kuwa dowlad-goboleedyada ee soo dhamaaday 12-kii June, kaasoo dhacay muddo yar kadib markii la doortay Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud. Heshiis siyaasadeed waxa lagu gaari karaa dib usoo nooleynta wada-xaajoodka, tayeynta hay’adaha si ay wada-xaajood si- yaasadeed oo wax-ku-ool ah oo loo dhan yahay u galaan. Warbixintan waxay qeexeysaa dhowr xulasho oo lagu taageerayo ujeedooyinkan, oo ay ku jiraan tixgelinta sida loo qaabeeyn karo wada-xaajood wax-ku-ool ah, iyo sidoo kale qeexitaan mowduucyada muhiimka ah ee diiradda lagu saarayo wadahadalka.
Somali Public Agenda is a non-profit public policy and administration research organization based in Mogadishu. Its aim is to advance understanding and improvement of public administration and public services in Somalia through evidence-based research and analysis.
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