The role of 4.5 in democratization and governance in Somalia

Governance Briefs

Amid the major changes to Somalia’s political landscape seen over the past two decades, an abiding feature has been the reliance on clan-based power- sharing models, including the ‘4.5’ formula. Despite the Somali Provisional Constitution containing no reference to the formula, it continues to determine the allocation of seats to clans in the Federal Parliament’s House of the People (HoP) and Council of Ministers. Related clan power-sharing arrangements are in place in the Upper House, within key national leadership positions, in the political dispensation of the Federal Member States (FMSs), and at the local level.

This brief aims to promote and inform such discussions on 4.5, as well as clan-based power-sharing arrangements more generally.

Inkastoo ay isbeddello waaweyn ka dheceen saaxadda siyaasadda Soomaaliya labaatankii sano ee lasoo dhaafay, arrin aan is beddelin ayaa ah ku tiirsanaanta nidaamka awood-qeybsiga beelaha, oo ay kamid tahay ‘4.5’. Inkastoo Dastuurka Kumeelgaarka ee Soomaaliya uusan dhigeyn wax tixraac ah oo la xiriira nidaamkan, haddana waxa uu hannaanka 4.5 go’aamiyaa saami qeybsiga beelaha ee Golaha Shacabka iyo Golaha Wasiirrada. Nidaam awood- qeybsi beeleed ayaa ka jira Aqalka Sare, xilalka muhiimka ah ee hoggaanka dalka, qeybsiga awoodaha siyaasadeed ee dowlad-goboleedyada, iyo heerka dowladaha hoose.

Faalladan kooban ujeedadeedu waxay tahay in aragti lagu biiriyo lana xoojiyo doodaha la xiriira nidaamka 4.5, iyo sidoo kale guud ahaan habka awood qeybsiga beelaha.

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