Wicitaanka Dhageystaha: Mustaqbalka Heshiiska Dowladaha Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya
Barnaamijka Wicitaanka Dhageystaha ee VOA Somali oo diiradda lagu saaray heshiiskii 11-kii bishan ay magaalada Ankara ku gaareen Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya. Waxaana marti ku ahaa Aweis Ahmed oo ah cilmi baare ka tirsan Somali Public Agenda. Waxaa wareystay Nuur Xasan Nuur.
E47. Qaab-dhismeedka Nidaamka Federaalka & Federaaleynta Maaliyadda Soomaaliya
Qeybtan 47-aad ee Maamul Wanaag Podcast, Mahad Waasuge & Dr Ali Isse oo ah Agaasimaha Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute (HESPI), sidoo kalena khabiir ku ah arrimaha dhaqaalaha, ayaa ku gorfeynaya qaab-dhsmeedka nidaamka federaalka & federaaleynta maaliyadda Soomaaliya
Abdullahi: My reflections on SPA internship: A path way for personal and professional growth
I am thrilled to reflect on my three-month internship at Somali Public Agenda. It was a…
E46. Heshiiska Siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya & Isbedellada Ku Dhici Kara Sanadka 2025
Qeybtan 46-aad ee Maamul Wanaag Podcast, Mahad Waasuge & Dr Afyare Cabdi Cilmi ayaa ku gorfeynaya geeddi-socodka dowlad-dhiska Soomaaliya iyo isbedellada dhici kara heshiiska siyaasadeed sanadka 2025.
Insecurity in Beledweyne: Context, causes, and the way forward
Residents in Beledweyne have been suffering
from insecurity in recent months that
has resulted from the coexistence of the
Hirshabelle state and the self-proclaimed
‘Hiiraan state,’ both of which have parallel
administrations in the town. The lack of a
single government authority responsible for
the security of the city has allowed an increase
in the presence and activities of armed militias
and vigilante groups, resulting in robberies,
roadblocks, and a surge of violence. The
parallel administrations’ struggle to control
the town has dented the trust of the local
constituents. The rivalry between the two
sides has disrupted economic activities with
roadblocks set up out of the town, causing
increases in commodity prices.
E28. Teknoolojiyadda Casriga ah iyo Fududeynta Adeegyada Dowladda
Qeybtan 28-aad ee Adeeg Wanaag Podcast, Aweys Axmed & Dr. Yaxye Abukar Axmed oo ah Agaasimaha Xarunta Cilmibaarista iyo Horumarinta ee Jaamicadda SIMAD, sidoo kalena ah khabiir ku takhasusay arrimaha teknoolojiyadda, waxa ay ku falanqeynayaan E-government, heerka isticmaalka E-government ee dowladda, caqabadaha ku gedaaman adeegsiga E-government-ga ee Soomaaliya iyo sida caqabadahaas looga gudbi karo.
Informing Somalia’s Election Laws
Somalia’s federal government and Federal Member State (FMS) leadership agreed on an electoral process in May 2023. Although core elements of the agreement were contentious and key actors were opposed, the political agreement became a baseline for both the review and amendment of Somalia’s Provisional Federal Constitution, particularly Chapter Four, as well as the structure and drafting of three election bills – the Establishment Bill of the Independent National Electoral and Boundaries Commission, the Political Associations and Parties Bill and the National Electoral Bill.
Audit Terms of Reference (ToR)
Terms of Reference for the Audit of the Project “Increased Opportunities for Somali Citizens’ Scrutiny of Fiscal and Financial Governance”.
Grant Contract Identification No/Project Code: NDICI AFRICA /2023/452-712
Call for Application for Blog Writing Training
Blog writing is a highly sought-after soft skill and learning the fundamentals of blog writing paves the way to becoming a journalist, a writer, or a researcher. It also opens many other doors of career opportunities. As the SPA Center for Learning and Development, one of our goals is to inspire and empower youth and equip them with the necessary skills in the field of writing and research.
E27. Maareynta Musiibooyinka iyo Kaalinta Haya’daha Dowladda
Qeybtan 27-aad ee Adeeg Wanaag Podcast, Aweys Axmed & Cabdullahi Maxamed Cabdi (Qaran) oo ah Agaasimaha Xarunta Cilimibaarist Musiibooyinka iyo Tababarada ee Hay’adda SoDMA waxa ay ku falanqeynayaan guud ahaan adeegyada ay qabato Hay’adda Maareynta Musiibooyinka Soomaaliyeed, sida adeegysadaas loo horumarin karo, iyo howlaha u qorsheysan Haya’da in ay mustqablka hirgeliso.