Somalia-Ethiopia tensions

A controversial agreement between Ethiopia and Somalia’s breakaway region of Somaliland has raised tensions between the two countries. Is the region on the brink of a military conflict?
Watch the Press TV Africa Today programme where our Executive Director Mahad Wasuge was interviewed on Somalia-Ethiopia tensions.

Re-instituting Party Politics: An Analysis of the New Political Associations and Parties Bill

Re-instituting Party Politics: An Analysis of the New Political Associations and Parties Bill

On 8th August 2024, the Federal Government of Somalia’s (FGS) cabinet unanimously approved the Political Associations and Parties Bill and the National Electoral Bill. The Political Associations and Parties Bill (PAPB) was drafted by the FGS Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation (MoIFAR) and is consistent with and builds on amendments to Chapter Four of the provisional constitution – particularly articles 52, 53, and 54 – which covers election-related matters. The parliament will review and is expected to approve the bill after three rounds of readings. It is one of three bills relating to elections, along with the Establishment Bill of the Independent National Electoral and Boundaries Commission & the National Electoral Bill – recently approved by the cabinet.

Gorfeyn: Canshuurta Iibka (VAT)

Madasha Public Agenda Forum ee Somali Public Agenda ayaa qabatay madal lagu gorfeynayey canshuurta 5% ee iibka. Waxaa madasha marti ku ahaa Agaasimaha Guud ee Agaasinka Dakhliga ee Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Xukumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Feysal Maxamed Xaashi iyo Cabdullaahi Maxamed Aadan oo ah dhaqaaleyahan sidoo kalena ah madaxa qeybta dhaqaalaha ee Kulliyadda Dhaqaalaha iyo Culuumta Maamulka ee Jaamacadda Muqdisho.

Madasha waxaa ka soo qaybgalay qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada, waxaana si qoto-dheer loogu faaqiday shuruucda lagu saleeyay cashuurtan, habka loo qaadayo, waxa ay ka beddeli karto dhaqaalaha dalka iyo dakhliga dowladda, iyo sidoo kale caqabadaha ka dhashay hirgelinta canshuurta iibka.

Halkan ka daawo muuqaalka madasha oo dhammeystiran.

Cohort 7 Graduation Ceremony of SPA Blog Writing Training

The Center for Learning and Development, which is part of the Somali Public Agenda, has successfully concluded a six-week blog writing training program. This program, which ran from July 4th to August 22nd, 2024, was designed to enhance the writing skills and understanding of young Somali bloggers.

29 students have attended this training, including 19 females and 10 males.

Call for Application for Research Training

Call for Application for Research Training Somali Public Agenda September 1, 2024 Application Deadline This application will expire on September 11, 2024, at 11:59am Mogadishu time, and no submissions beyond the deadline will be considered. Course Duration 6 weeks(45 days) Days Sundays & Thursdays afternoon Time 4:00pm – 6:00pm Location Somali Public Agenda office, Mogadishu, […]