Examining Somalia’s New Sales Tax

This policy paper draws from a forum held by Somali Public Agenda (SPA) on September 3 2024 following the introduction of the new sales tax, as well as, existing literature, and interviews with businesspeople, FGS Ministry of Finance, and the public. Itseeks to provide an analysis of Somalia’s newly implemented 5% sales tax and its economic, fiscal, and social implications. It explores the problems that may impede its successful implementation and investigates the public response to the tax from various socioeconomic viewpoints.

Somalia’s New Electoral Bill: Insights and Implications

On Thursday, August 8, 2024, the FGS Council of Ministers approved the National Electoral Bill and the Political Associations and Political Parties Bill. The two bills, along with the establishment bill of the election management body, approved by the cabinet on 19 July, are the three primary pieces of legislation that would govern elections in Somalia. The three bills approved by the cabinet are primarily based on the recent amendments of the Provisional Federal Constitution and will go through parliamentary view before they are voted on. This policy paper specifically analyzes the key contents of the National Electoral Bill.

Addressing contentious issues on elections in the constitutional review process

This policy paper aims to contribute to a better informed, inclusive and realistic discussion of Somalia’s future elections. In providing an analysis of the provisional federal constitution’s revised Chapter 4, it offers insights that parliamentarians and other stakeholders can make use of in debates concerning the constitutional review process and the core components of the NCC election agreement.

Decentralized but contested: Examining the federal government’s decentralization of educational services in Mogadishu to the Benadir Regional Administration

The education decentralization to Benadir Regional Administration has achieved some success. Nonetheless, the implementation of the MoU has not gone smoothly. It has been beset by problems mainly stemming from public school expenditure and administration. The dispute continues unresolved though parties have made unsuccessful efforts to bring it to an end.

Policy options for resolving the status of Mogadishu

Agreement on Mogadishu’s status remains critical. Inclusive political dialogue and public discussion on policy options is essential for developing the buy-in and consensus necessary to support an effective constitutional review process led by the MoCA, ICRIC, OC and, ultimately, parliament.

Options for allocating powers in Somalia’s federal system

Meaningful and inclusive political dialogue on the allocation of powers is essential. As such, this paper outlines a framework for analyzing the issue, as well as the available options for starting a dialogue on relevant political processes.

Revitalizing the negotiation of contentious political issues: Key considerations going forward

The start of a new political cycle presents a fresh opportunity for Somalis to address the contentious issues obstructing the country’s path towards a more stable and prosperous post-conflict future. This can be achieved through a careful revival, enhancement and institutionalization of effective and inclusive political negotiation and dialogue mechanisms. This paper outlines several options to support these objectives, including considerations for how to design an effective negotiation architecture, as well as an outline of key thematic areas on which to focus dialogue.