Annual Report 2019

Annual Reports

2019 has been an exciting and productive year for Somali Public Agenda. It has been ‘the year of production’ for SPA team. It was truly a productive year. We published six quality governance briefs on youth unemployment, public schools in Mogadishu, power sharing in a federal Somalia, the electoral bill, re-institution of political parties, and land prices in Mogadishu and its impact to the urban poor and IDPs. We also published six commentaries on various governance and public service issues including the re-introduction of the Somali shilling in Beledweyne, the 2019 federal government budget, the ‘NGO-ization’ of the public sector, the problems of fused cabinet-parliament membership, dual citizenship, and harmonization of the legislative framework of elections in Somalia. Furthermore, we commenced a Podcast in the Somali language. We produced two podcasts discussing our election briefs. The Podcasts enabled us reach wider Somali audience who may not get the chance to read our work.

As we approach elections in 2020/21, at Somali Public Agenda, we have begun an Election Series of commentaries and briefs. We have already produced two briefs and one commentary on elections in 2019. Each commentary or brief analyzed election-related themes. We will continue to produce evidence-based analysis on elections in 2020.

Our audience increased exponentially in 2019. Our work has been found through online search 3,469 times in 2019. Over 720 people subscribed to our mailing list. Our twitter handle was followed by 2,044 Twitter users. Our Facebook page has garnered 14,555 likes.

Our three-year strategic plan (2020-2022) has been prepared. The strategic plan guides SPA work through three interlinked steps. First, SPA will undertake policy-oriented and evidence-based research. Second, based on the findings and policy recommendations of the studies, SPA will help design public policies, programmes and projects with the relevant authorities. Third, Somali Public Agenda will offer short training courses to contribute to the building of administrative cadres who can deliver public policies and programmes to the community.

We are grateful to the unwavering support of our distinguished fellows and Board members. Many thanks are also owed to our supporters and readers whose confidence and encouragement inspire us to do more work for the common good. As we enter our third year, we are looking forward to producing quality research output and help public institutions design human-centered public services.

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