E19. Wacyiga Bulshada ee Xanuunnada Nafsiga ah & Daweyntooda

Qeybtan 19-aad ee Adeeg Wanaag Podcast waxa ay Aweys Axmed & Dr. Axmed Jaamac Shidane oo ah dhakhtar ku takhasusay xanuunada nafsiga ku falanqeynayaan guud ahaan xanuunada maanka ku dhaca, wacyiga bulshada Soomaaliyeed ee ku aadan xanuunnadan, sida ay tahay in ay ula falgalaan iyo adeegyada caafimaadka ee la heli karo.

Unlocking My Potential: Three Months of Growth with SPA

Earlier this year, exactly the period between January and March, I had the chance to participate in SPA’s three-month internship program, which was an invaluable opportunity for personal and professional growth for me.

Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo la filayo inuu cod u qaado qodobbo ka mid ah dastuurka

Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa lagu wadaa inuu Sabtida cod u qaado qodobbo ka mid ah dastuurka kumeel gaarka ah ee Soomaaliya. Haddaba, waxa laga filayo baarlamaanka iyo muhiimmada qodobada horyaalla ayaa weriyaha VOA Nur Hassan Nur ka wareystay agaasimaha hey’adda cilmibaarista ee Somali Public Agenda ee fadhigeedu yahay magaalada Muqdisho Mahad Wasuge.

E35. Doorashooyinka & Wax-ka-beddelka Dastuurka 

Podcast-gan waxa lagu falanqeyneynaa dib-u-eegista iyo wax-ka-beddelka dastuurka iyo arrimaha doorashooyinka ee uu khilaafka ka jiro. Waxaa marti ku ah Dr. Xuseen Sheekh Maxamuud oo ah Lataliyaha Madaxweynaha ee Arrimaha Dastuurka.

Opportunities And Challenges For Somalia’s Membership To The East African Community

The paper indicates that there are, inevitably, opportunities linked to Somalia’s new membership of the EAC. These include allying with the region against insecurity, the standardization of laws and procedures, and enabling the country to adhere to international systems of finance, economy and technology. Integration will allow Somalis from the blue economy (Somalia lies on the Indian Ocean and Red Sea) to invest competitively in the EAC, bringing with it the possibility of opportunities for job creation. The study recommends that the Somali government carefully consider addressing the challenges presented both here and elsewhere.

Addressing contentious issues on elections in the constitutional review process

This policy paper aims to contribute to a better informed, inclusive and realistic discussion of Somalia’s future elections. In providing an analysis of the provisional federal constitution’s revised Chapter 4, it offers insights that parliamentarians and other stakeholders can make use of in debates concerning the constitutional review process and the core components of the NCC election agreement.

Prospects For Somalia’s Transition From Clan-Based Politics To Multipartyism In The 2026 Election

This paper explores the possibilities of Somalia’s transition from a clan-based system of the allocation of political authority to multipartyism. In so doing, the paper adopted qualitiative methods of data collection and analysis. The paper shows that a transition to multiparty- based elections in 2026 still remains a distant dream, owing to a critical lack of the legislation and institutions needed for this to happen.