E18. Saameynta Tartanka Cayaaraha Dowlad-goboleedyada & Gobolka Benaadir

Qeybtan 18-aad ee Adeeg Wanaag Podcast, Aweis Axmed iyo Xuseen Maxamed Hadaafow oo weriye arrimaha cayaaraha ah waxa ay ku falanqeynayaan guud ahaan qabashada tartanka ciyaaraha, natiijoonkii ka dhashay iyo mustaqbalka tallaabooyinka ay tahay in la qaado si qabashada tartamada iyo habsmi-u-socodkooda sare loogu sii qaado.

The Constitutional Amendment Procedure: Analysis of the Process and the Role and Participation of the Civil Society

This brief analyses the Adoption Procedure for the Constitutional Amendment and the actors who opposed it. It explores ways that civil society can contribute to and influence the constitutional review process and concludes with several policy considerations. These include the suggestions that the Parliamentary Oversight Committee (OC) and ICRIC engage multiple stakeholders; that the federal government engages and involves other political stakeholders; and that civil society engages policymakers and citizens in the constitutional review process.

Daraasad ku saabsan golayaasha deegaanka ee Hirshabelle, Galmudug & Koonfur Galbeed

Somali Public Agenda ayaa dhawaan qabatay madal lagusoo bandhigay laguna gorfeeyay daraasad ku saabsan dhismaha iyo waxqabadka golayaasha deegmooyinka ee dowlad-goboleedyada Koonfur Galbeed, Hirshabeelle iyo Galmudug. Madasha waxaa kasoo qayb galay qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada oo isugu jiray aqoonyahanno, xirfadlayaal ka shaqeeya dawlad-dhiska iyo arrimaha golayaasha deegaanka, dhallinyaro, haween iyo howlwadeenno ka tirsan dawladda.

E17. Saameynta Isbeddelka Cimilada ee Soomaaliya

Qeybtan 17-aad ee Adeeg Wanaag Podcast waxaa lagu falanqeynayaa saameynta isbeddelka cimilada ee Soomaaliya iyo hababka lagu wajahi karo. Waxaa marti ku ah Dr. Cabdullaahi Cilmi Maxamed oo ah khabiir culuumta deegaanka iyo biyaha ah, kana shaqeeya howlaha la xiriira arrimaha deegaanka.

Understanding the formation and operation of local councils in Southwest, Hirshabelle, and Galmudug states

This study examines district council formation (DCF) in three FMSs; Southwest, Hirshabelle, and Galmudug. In particular, it zooms in on the current status of the District Council Formation (DCF) at the FMSs, hindrances that the DCF process has faced in the districts where the process was implemented; obstacles underlying the functionality of the formed DCs; the ex/inclusivity of the process; and the challenges that hampered the launching and/ or implementation of the DCF process in the main accessible districts in the three FMSs.