Annual Report 2021

Annual Reports

2021 was another productive year for Somali Public Agenda. Despite the electoral impasse, armed clashes in Mogadishu, and the various other humanitarians, security, and Covid-19 challenges that Somalia faced, SPA produced 12 publications in total, including six governance briefs, three research reports, and three commentaries. As always, these were all published in both English and Somali

Elections, federalism, and reconciliation were the focus of most of our publications. Of the 12 publications, four focused on democratization and elections. The election topics studied and analyzed included an analysis of the ‘Mogadishu Model’ (also known as the 17 September 2020 election agreement), the operationalization of indirect elections, lessons from Somalia’s Upper House elections, and democratization and local elections in Puntland.

Our work in 2022 will focus on elections, civil service reform, fiscal and service decentralization, local council formation, debt relief, reconciliation, climate change, and education. Studies and briefing papers, forums, and podcasts on these issues will be our priorities in 2022.

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