The ‘Electoral Constituency Caucuses’: Analysis of the new electoral model agreed in Dhusamareb
On Thursday, 20 August 2020, the president of Somalia, leaders of 3 federal member states (Galmudug, South West, and Hirshabelle), and the governor of Benadir region agreed and signed a new election model dubbed the ‘Electoral Constituency Caucuses’. The agreement was reached after…
Between direct election and 2016 indirect election for Somalia: A middle ground electoral model
Somalia’s federal and state leaders are currently in Dhusamareb discussing the upcoming 2020-21 federal elections. Dubbed Dhusamareb II, the President and Prime Minister of the Federal Government and presidents of…
Direct election or ‘enhanced indirect’ election for Somalia? Analysis of the relevant regulations
On 7th June, the joint 17-member parliamentary committee tasked with the preparation of election regulations – which requires only parliamentary approval – submitted two…
Doorasho toos ah mise doorashadii dadbaneyd oo la hormariyey? Falanqeyn ku saabsan xeerarka doorashada
7-dii bishii Juun, guddiga baarlamaanka ee ka koobnaa 17-ka xubnood loona xilsaray diyaarinta xeerarka sharciga doorashooyinka waxa uu labo xeer u gudbiyey guddoonka labada aqal ee baarlamaanka si…
The impact of Covid-19 on the informal economy of Mogadishu
COVID-19 has become the most talked-about global threat of 2020 as it has affected the lives of millions of people across more than…
Saameynta COVID-19 ee dhaqaalaha Muqdisho
COVID-19 ayaa noqday khatarta loogu hadal heynta badan yahay sanadka 2020-ka ee dunida maadaama uu saameyn ku yeeshay nolosha malaayin dad ah oo ku kala nool in ka badan…
How stigma is holding back the fight against Coronavirus in Somalia
On 16 March 2020, Somalia’s Ministry of Health confirmed the first COVID-19 case in the country. In response, and to prevent a wide spread of the virus, the government immediately imposed restrictions including…
Sida uu takoorku caqabad ugu yahay la-dagaallanka Coronovirus ee Soomaaliya
16-kii Maarso 2020, Wasaaradda Caafimaadka ee Soomaaliya ayaa xaqiijisay kiiskii ugu horreeyay ee COVID-19 ee Soomaaliya laga helay. Iyadoo laga jawaabayo, lagana hortagayo faafitaanka fayraska, waxa ay dowladda soo rogtay xannibaado ay kamid yihiin…
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Sababta ay Soomaaliya ugu baahan tahay dejinta qorsheyaal loogu diyaargaroobayo lagulana tacaalayo cudurka faafa
In ka badan 142,000 qofood oo ku kala nool 122 dal ayaa laga helay caabuqa COVID-19, 5,393 qofoodna waa ay u geeriyootay sida ay sheegtay Hay’adda Caafimaadka Adduunka ee WHO. Inkastoo kiisasku ku badan yihiin qaaradaha Aasiya, Yurub iyo…
Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19): Why Somalia needs to institute a rigorous pandemic preparedness and response plans
There are now more than 142,000 cases of COVID-19 in 122 countries, and 5,393 people have died according to the World Health Organization (WHO). While the number of cases have surged in Asia, Europe, and…