Somali Public Agenda
January 31, 2024
Understanding the formation and operation of local councils in Southwest, Hirshabelle, and Galmudug states
Although Somalia adopted a federal charter in 2004, efforts to establish federal units started after the current federal constitution was provisionally adopted in August 2012. Four federal units – Jubaland in 2013, Southwest in 2014, Galmudug in 2015, and Hirshabelle in 2016 – were established. Article 48[1(b)] of Somalia’s provisional federal constitution grants local governments their position in the second tier of the federal structure; it implicitly mandates the FMSs to form local governments. Yet, the formation of local governments in all of the Federal Member States (FMSs), except Puntland, has been sluggish and has not seemed to be a priority as FMSs have been grappling with other tricky issues arising from the circumstances under which they were formed.
This study examines district council formation (DCF) in three FMSs; Southwest, Hirshabelle, and Galmudug. In particular, it zooms in on the current status of the District Council Formation (DCF) at the FMSs, hindrances that the DCF process has faced in the districts where the process was implemented; obstacles underlying the functionality of the formed DCs; the ex/inclusivity of the process; and the challenges that hampered the launching and/ or implementation of the DCF process in the main accessible districts in the three FMSs. The study aims to inform policy-makers at state and federal levels, and DCF programming.
Inkastoo Soomaaliya ay 2004-tii axdi federaal ah qaadatay, dadaallada lagu dhisayo maamullada federaalka ayaa billowday kadib markii dastuurka federaalka ee hadda jira si kumeelgaar ah loo ansixiyay Ogosto 2012. Afar dowlad-goboleed – Jubaland (2013), Koonfur Galbeed (2014), Galmudug (2015), iyo Hirshabeelle (2016) – ayaa la dhisay. Qodobka 48[1(b)] ee dastuurka federaalka kumeelgaarka ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa awoodda maareynta dowladaha hoose siinaya heerka labaad ee dowladeed ee nidaamka federaalka; waxa uu qeexayaa in dowlad-goboleedyada ay dhisaan dowladaha hoose. Balse dhismaha dowladaha hoose ee dhammaan dowladaha xubnaha ka ah dowladda federaalka, marka laga reebo Puntland, ayaa ahayd mid gaabis ah oo aan mudnaan la siin, iyadoo dowlad-goboleedyadu ay la tacaalayeen arrimo kale oo ka dhashay duruufihii lagu dhisay.
Daraasaddan waxa ay eegeysaa dhismaha goleyaasha deegaanka (DHGD) ee saddex dowlad-goboleed; Koonfur Galbeed, Hirshabeelle, iyo Galmudug. Gaar ahaan, waxay si qoto-dheer u iftiiminaysaa heerka uu hadda marayo Dhismaha Goleyaasha Deegaanka (DHGD) ee dowlad-goboleedyadan, caqabadaha uu wajahay geedi-socodka ee degmooyinkii laga dhisay goleyaal deegaan; caqabadaha haysta shaqeynta goleyaashii deegaan ee la sameeyay; in loo dhamaa iyo in aan loo dhameyn hannaanka dhismaha goleyaasha deegaanka; iyo caqabadaha hor-taagan billaabista dhismaha goleyaasha deegaanka ee degmooyinka muhiimka ah ee la gaari karo ee ku yaalla saddexda Dowlad-goboleed. Ujeedada daraasadda ayaa ah in faham ballaaran laga siiyo siyaasiyiinta heer dowlad-goboleed iyo heer federaal iyo barnaajimyada la xiriira dowladaha hoose.