WAREYSI GAAR AH: Kaalinta Bulshada Rayidka ah iyo Warbaahinta ee Isla xisaabtanka

Somali Public Agenda ayaa dhawaan daabacday daraasad ku saabsan Doorka bulshada rayidka ah iyo warbaahintu ay ku leeyihiin taageeridda isla xisaabtanka iyo gurmadka bini’aadannimo ee Soomaaliya. Haddaba, Ibrahim Jibril oo daraasaddaan qoray ayaa Tv-ga RTN ee Muqdisho waxay ka wareysteen muhiimadda guud ee cilmi baarista.

The role of national civil society and media in supporting accountability around humanitarian interventions in Somalia

This study aims to address this gap by examining how domestic actors in Somalia, including local media, civil society organizations, and government institutions, view and engage with accountability. It identifies overlooked perspectives, examines how local stakeholders attempt to improve accountability to their communities, analyses the political economy dynamics shaping these efforts, addresses main challenges and presents targeted recommendations to each stakeholder.

Barnaamijka Faaqidaadda Toddobaadka: Caqabadihii ka hor-yimid shirkii GWQ

Barnaamijka Faaqidaadda Toddobaadka ee ka baxa Idaacadda VOA waxa uu todobaadkaan ku saabsanaa caqabadihii ka horyimid shirkii Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran ee u dhexeeyay madaxda dowladda federaalka, kuwa dowlad-goboleedyada iyo gobolka Banaadir. Weriye Xassan Kaafi Qoyste ayaa barnaamijka xiriirinayay, waxaana martida ka qeybgashay ka mid ahaa Agaasimaha Somali Public Agenda Mahad Waasuge.

Dib-u-yegleelidda Nidaamka Xisbiyada: Falanqeyn Hindise-sharciyeedka Cusub ee Ururrada iyo Xisbiyada Siyaasadda

8-dii Ogosto 2024, Golaha Wasiirrada ayaa ansixiyey Hindise-sharciyeedka Ururrada iyo Xisbiyada Siyaasadda iyo Hindise-sharciyeedka Doorashooyinka Qaranka. Hindise-sharciyeedka Ururrada iyo Xisbiyada Siyaasadda waxaa soo diyaariyey Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha, Federaalka iyo Dib-u-heshiisiinta, wuxuuna waafaqsan yahay wax-ka-beddelka lagu sameeyey cutubka afaraad ee dastuurka kumeelgaarka ah – gaar ahaan qodobada 52-aad, 53-aad, iyo 54-aad – kuwaasoo ka hadlaya arrimaha la xiriira doorashooyinka.

Marwa: Reflection on my three-month-long internship at SPA

In June this year, 2024, the opportunity to do an internship at Somali Public Agenda presented itself when I received a call from the SPA’s Center for Learning and Development announcing an open call for applicants. All interested candidates were required to take an exam and participate in an interview to determine the most qualified individual for the position. A week later, I was thrilled to be informed that I had been selected for the internship. As my three-month internship comes to an end, I find myself reflecting on the many lessons I have learned and the significant personal and professional growth I have achieved – a journey I take great pride in reflecting upon.

Xaaladda Soomaaliya & Itoobiya

Halkan ka daawo wareysi ku saabsan xaaladda Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya ee uu Agaasimaha Somali Public Agenda Mahad Waasuge siiyay Mustaqbal Media.

Somalia’s New Electoral Bill: Insights and Implications

On Thursday, August 8, 2024, the FGS Council of Ministers approved the National Electoral Bill and the Political Associations and Political Parties Bill. The two bills, along with the establishment bill of the election management body, approved by the cabinet on 19 July, are the three primary pieces of legislation that would govern elections in Somalia. The three bills approved by the cabinet are primarily based on the recent amendments of the Provisional Federal Constitution and will go through parliamentary view before they are voted on. This policy paper specifically analyzes the key contents of the National Electoral Bill.