Is-afgaradka Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliland: Saameynta iyo fursadaha midnimo qaran ee Soomaaliya
Inkastoo ay dowladda federaalka diiradda saartay diblomaasiyadda iyo abaabulka dadweynaha, waxay ay heshiiska iyo qalalaasaha taagan u adeegsan kartaa fursad ay uga shaqeyso midnimo qaran.
The Ethiopia-Somaliland MoU: Implications and opportunities for national unity and political settlement in Somalia
While the FGS has so far focused on diplomacy and public mobilization, it can leverage the MoU and the current crisis as a chance to foster domestic unity. The public protests against the MoU, which have extended to parts of Somaliland and the diaspora, can be harnessed to support and bolster broader political reform initiatives.
The state of fiscal decentralization to local governments in Somalia
Decentralization has been emerging as a policy issue in Somalia since 2012. However, it has not been a dominant concern, in comparison to other problems that have overwhelmed policy forums of the executive and legislative branches in both the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and the Federal Member States (FMS). One expectation from the federal arrangement was that power would be decentralized to lower levels to enable local communities to effectively participate in deciding matters of their particular concerns, including devising local-level policies that reflect their immediate needs, such as the collecting local taxes and provision of essential services.
Examining the formation and functioning of local councils in Galmudug & HirShabelle
This governance brief presents preliminary findings for an ongoing study on district council formation, functioning, and way forward in Galmudug, Hirshabelle, and South West states.
Isu-socdka iyo Aminga Muqdisho: Qiimeyn Nidaamka Cusub ee Kaltanka Bajaajta
Dhammaadkii bishii Maarso 2023, Golaha Wasiirada ee Xukuumada Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa soo saaray amarro dhowr ah, oo ay kamid ahayd dib-u-diiwaangelinta dhammaan bajaajta islamarkaana loo qeybiyo labo qeybood oo ku kallareysan jaalle iyo buluug oo kala leh sumadaha A iyo B. Amarka xukuumadda ayaa sidoo kale lagu hakiyay dhammaan mootooyinka – oo ay ku jiraan bajaajta iyo sidoo kale mootooyinka labada lug leh – in lagasoo dejiyo dekadaha dalka guud ahaan gaar ahaan dekadda Muqdisho.
Mobility and Security in Mogadishu: Examining the New Bajaj Rotation System
At the end of March 2023, the Council of Ministers of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) issued a series of directives, which included a directive on re-registration of all tuk-tuks (three-wheeled passenger motorcycles, also known as bajaj) and dividing them into two-color groups – yellow and blue – with the labels A and B respectively. The directive also suspended the importation of all motorcycles – including bajaj as well as two-wheeled motorbikes – from the ports throughout the country and particularly Mogadishu.
How the neglect of public goods in Buulaburte epitomizes Somalia’s state of governance
In this commentary, I contend that Somalia’s public sector continues to be crippled by a lack of creative ideas and initiatives that are needed to undertake much-needed reforms and address the country’s many policy challenges.
Analysis of the University ‘Foundation Year’ Directive: Substance, Concerns, Consequences, and Policy Considerations
Considering the persistent challenges underlying the quality of higher education in Somalia, the FGS Ministry of Education, Culture, and Higher Education proclaimed, on 16 August 2023, a directive authorizing the introduction of a ‘foundation year’ that would precede the university undergraduate first year and will take effect in this academic year 2023/2024.
Marginalization and Social Cohesion among Minoritized Clan Groups and Dominant Groups, Aid Actors, and Local Authorities in Mogadishu
This commentary examines the issue of clan-based marginalization experienced among internally displaced people (IDPs) from minority and marginalized groups in Mogadishu. These clan groups mainly hail from the Bay, Middle, and Lower Shabelle regions of Somalia and settle on territory dominated by a different clan that most of the time perceives them as outsiders and not residents with rights. Stronger inter-clan group relations need to be forged to support sustainable integration of these minority and marginalized clan groups – especially those that choose to call Mogadishu home.
Expanding public participation in political processes in Somalia
This study explores the prospects and challenges for public participation in politics in Somalia. It aims to identify how Somali authorities, civil society, international actors and other stakeholders can contribute to increasing the participation of ordinary Somalis in the political processes in their country. To that end, politicians, a range of non-governmental actors and the wider citizenry were interviewed for this report.