Examining the impact of COVID-19 on higher education in Mogadishu

Governance Briefs
Examining the impact of COVID-19 on higher education in Mogadishu

Soon after the first few cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Somalia, schools and higher education institutions were forced to close down their campuses in a bid to reduce infections. Universities explored online teaching as an alternative approach to continue teaching and learning. This governance brief explores how COVID-19 impacted the higher education sector in Mogadishu. The brief puts special emphasis on universities’ shift to online instruction; how the teaching of arts, social science as well as science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) disciplines are affected; issues around digital divides; financial hardships of universities; online teaching challenges; and exams integrity. The paper concludes with policy considerations including universities to invest in Edtech; observe exam integrity; and to look for other sources to reduce dependence on students’ tuition fees and maintain operations.

Kadib markii kiisaskii ugu horreeyay ee COVID-19 laga xaqiijiyey Soomaaliya, iskuullada iyo jaamacadaha waxaa lagu qasbay in ay xiraan xarumahooda si loo yareeyo faafidda fayraska. Jaamacaduhu waxay sahminayeen waxbarista internet-ka si aanay u joogsan waxbarashada. Faalladan waxay baareysaa sida uu COVID-19 u saameeyay jaamacadaha Muqdisho. Warbixintu waxa ay si gaar ah xoogga u saareyaa u weecashada jaamacadaha ee waxbarista internet- ka; sida culuumta arts-ka, cilmiga bulshada iyo seyniska, tiknooloojiyadda, injineeriyada, iyo xisaabtu u saameeyay COVID-19; arrimaha ku saabsan u sinnaan la’aanta isticmaalka tiknooloojiyadda; dhibaatooyinka maaliyadeed ee jaamacadaha; iyo caqabadaha waxbarista internet-ka; iyo hufnaanta imtixaannada. Faalladu waxa ay ku talineysaa in jaamacaduhu maalgashadaan tiknooloojiyadda; ilaalinta hufnaanta imtixaanka; iyo in la raadiyo ilo dhaqaale kale si loo yareeyo ku tiirsanaanta jaamacadaha ee lacagaha ardeyda laga qaado.

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