Natiijooyinka kasoo baxay COP27 iyo saameynta ay ku leeyihiin Soomaaliya

Natiijada COP27 siyaabo kala duwan ayay muhiim ugu yihiin Soomaaliya. Ballanqaadyada loo sameeyay dhaqaalaha la qabsiga iyo khasnadda magdhawga khasaaraha iyo dhaawaca waxay u oggolaanaysaa dalalka saameynta cimilada u nugul sida Soomaaliya inay awood u yeeshaan inay la qabsadaan saameynta isbeddelka cimilada sidoo kalena awood u yeeshaan inay kasoo kabtaan marka ay musiibo ku dhacdo.

COP27 outcomes and their implications for Somalia

In some ways, COP27 has some important takeaways for Somalia. The commitments made on adaptation finance and loss and damage fund will allow climate-vulnerable countries like Somalia a small safety net to be able to not only adapt to the impacts of climate change but also afford them the ability to recover when disaster strikes. However, this will only materialize if red tape around accessing climate finance is swiftly addressed.

Maalidda dowladda Soomaaliya: siyaasadda isbeddel la’aanta

Hannaanka doorashada dadban oo suurtageliyay in siyaasiyiinta dhaqaalaha iyo awoodda leh ay xukunka yimaadaan (ama xoogaan), beesha caalamka oo lacag ku taageerta dowladda, iyo isla xisaabtan la’aan ayaa abuurtay dhaqan ay siyaasiyiintu ku maalaan dowladda oo ay ku hodmaan. Xaaladdan waxa ay Soomaaliya ka jirtay dhowr iyo labaatankii sano ee lasoo dhaafay ama wayba kasii horreysay, dhaqankanna wuu xididdeystay.

Milking the Somali government: the politics of the status quo

Flawed electoral processes that enable privileged politicians to come to power (or simply grab it), an international community that pours money into the government, and a lack of accountability have created a culture whereby politicians milk the government and enrich themselves. This has certainly been the pattern over the past decade or so, but the roots of the problem run deep.

Decentralization of Essential Public Health Services to the Benadir Regional Administration: Status, Achievements and Challenges

Somalia’s health status indicators have long remained at the bottom of the table of lower-income countries. This situation even predated the collapse of the central government in January 1991 and the subsequent civil war. Some of the health problems that exacerbate the weakness of the country’s degraded healthcare system include a weak economy, frequent droughts and famines, and poverty.

Whose Security? A Tale of Three Cities in Mogadishu

Whose Security? A Tale of Three Cities in Mogadishu

Mogadishu is often described as ‘the world’s most dangerous city’ by foreign observers, journalists, and pundits. This label captures the general sense of insecurity that has plagued the Somali capital for over three decades. There have been various complex elements influencing (the lack of) security in the city, and…